Families – You can help generate state aid for your school, benefiting students and teachers, by completing the Application for Educational Benefits and returning it to your school. La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools provides nutritious meals to children without charge to you. We receive assistance from the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) based on Household Income Statements completed by households. How do I complete an application? You can complete an application via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or request a paper application from either school building or the District Office. How does this generate state aid for my school? Students in households that meet the free or reduced-price meal income guidelines will generate compensatory revenue for their school. Schools must use compensatory revenue to meet students' needs who are behind their peers, such as remedial instruction, instructional materials including digital learning and technology, bilingual programs, and additional teachers and teacher aides. These applications may also make teachers in your school eligible for the federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program if they have outstanding college loans. However, the household must complete and return the forms, or complete the online form, no later than December 15 so the school can calculate eligibility and report to MDE. This will not impact your students’ eligibility to receive free meals during the 2020-21 school year. What else do the meal benefits cover? Qualifying for meal benefits will allow other discounts for your student in areas such as athletic fees, ACT fees, course fees, select Community Education classes, and more!
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
hey did you know
VIRTUAL LEARNING DAYS MEAL ORDER FORM Thank you for participating in school meals during on virtual learning days! If you are interested in receiving school meals for your student(s) for the week of 11/9/20 - 11/13/20, please complete the order form below! You are ordering meals for virtual learning days ONLY. You have the option to order meal packs for pick-up or as take-home meals. All meal packs include both breakfast and lunch. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUmKvXEtFBMck6FM9RbEadnuIBUrvvF2eUPFxox4eX18ngqA/viewform?gxids=7757 ALL ORDER FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY NOON ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th. A new order form will be sent out each week. You will pre-order meals for the following week for the virtual learning days only. A new order form must be filled out each week. Please submit a separate order form for each student. Meal Pack Prices for November: BREAKFAST & LUNCH - FREE!
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
VIRTUAL LEARNING DAYS MEAL ORDER FORM Thank you for participating in school meals during on virtual learning days! If you are interested in receiving school meals for your student(s) for the week of 11/2/20 - 11/6/20, please complete the order form below! You are ordering meals for virtual learning days ONLY. You have the option to order meal packs for pick-up or as take-home meals. All meal packs include both breakfast and lunch. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGguLlAKrPt5roaFZwofZ5EmUtpawfKpWiOYF6LEDwNWirwQ/viewform?gxids=7757 ALL ORDER FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY NOON ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28th. A new order form will be sent out each week. You will pre-order meals for the following week for the virtual learning days only. A new order form must be filled out each week. Please submit a separate order form for each student. Meal Pack Prices for November: BREAKFAST & LUNCH - FREE!
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
The Board of Education will be meeting tonight at 7pm for a regular school board meeting. If you wish to attend this meeting, you can do so by following the link below. https://zoom.us/j/96378005319?pwd=ZWlrdG4wR1NmQVVjTWlseHRvcmVOUT09
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
VIRTUAL LEARNING DAYS MEAL ORDER FORM Thank you for participating in school meals during on virtual learning days! If you are interested in receiving school meals for your student(s) for the week of 10/26/20 - 10/30/20, please complete the order form below! You are ordering meals for virtual learning days ONLY. You have the option to order meal packs for pick-up or as take-home meals. All meal packs include both breakfast and lunch. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2vzeULINFV6V48wQEk3XBNQOPHyNbtUx_WX8CYbEohHXhTw/viewform?gxids=7757 All order forms must be submitted by NOON on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21st. A new order form will be sent out each week. You will pre-order meals for the following week for the virtual learning days only. A new order form must be filled out each week. Please submit a separate order form for each student. Meal Pack Prices for October: BREAKFAST & LUNCH - FREE!
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
NYC 2021 summer travel opportunity for students in grades 8-12.
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
NYC 2021
VIRTUAL LEARNING DAYS MEAL ORDER FORM Thank you for participating in school meals on virtual learning days! If you are interested in receiving school meals for your student(s) for 10/19 - 10/23, please complete the order form below! All meal packs include both breakfast and lunch. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwfggIBDi5QEW5yiTchPW_t_FWMATm7LeA019FrAdJQtBhfA/viewform?gxids=7757 **MEALS FOR 10/19 - 10/23 WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR DAILY PICK-UP! PICK-UP WILL BE FROM 1:00PM - 2:00PM (MONDAY-FRIDAY) AT THE HIGH SCHOOL DOCK! ***NEW!!! ALL ORDER FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY NOON ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14TH!! A new order form will be sent out each week. You will pre-order meals for the following week for the virtual learning days only. With all meals being distributed through pick-up for this week, we will only need one order submitted for the entire household (not per student). MEAL PICK-UP: DAILY FROM 1:00PM-2:00PM AT THE HS DOCK Meal Pack Prices for October: BREAKFAST & LUNCH - FREE!
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
Yesterday, Superintendent Cardille presented at the Lion's Club meeting and gave an update on the construction project and the impact of COVID to the district. To view the presentation, which includes pictures of the construction progress, please follow the link below. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/958612/Lions_Club_Presentation.pdf
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
October 7, 2020 Notice: Change in learning model for students in Grades 5 - 12 beginning tomorrow, Thursday, October 8 through Friday, October 23. Parents and Students, Please note that this change in learning plan impacts only the 5 - 12 students at this time. Today our Secondary Administrators and District Nurse did contact tracing of a Covid positive individual in the secondary building. The trace led to the close contact of many staff in the secondary building. At the time of this letter, 10 staff members have been exposed. We have already had difficulty finding substitutes for our staff who need to be out, so this event will leave us no choice but to change our learning model to distance learning for students in grades 5 - 12. This change is at the secondary school only. At this time, we have not found a connection to the Elementary building or bus routes. The Elementary school will continue to operate as they have been, face-to-face, and busses will operate on a regular daily basis. It is imperative that we make this change starting tomorrow, October 8. All students in grades 5 - 12 will be changing to distance learning. While we are in a distance learning model, all students should be following their daily class schedule Monday through Friday. During the distance learning time, all co-curricular activities and after school activities are canceled. The school building is and will be closed to all unauthorized visitors. If any student needs any materials from the school building to do their work, they should contact the Middle / High School office to arrange a pickup or assistance to get what they need at 507-895-4484. This change in the learning plan is primarily due to the inability to obtain a large number of substitutes to carry on our current teaching model. The exposed staff will potentially need to quarantine for up to 14 days; they will be teaching online during this time, provided they are healthy enough to do so. It may be good for all students to consider this a quarantine so that we will be clear to start back again in our hybrid model on October 26. As a reminder, next week, we have only three days on our calendar, and those three days were scheduled as online learning days for all students K - 12. Since the inability to attain enough secondary teacher substitutes is causing the change in the learning plan, our preschool program in the secondary building will continue to operate as-is and until further notice. I want to remind everyone again that our ability to remain open is highly dependent on the positive Covid cases in the county and the spread of Covid in our community. Please do your part to control the spread and allow us to keep our school open. Please wear a mask, avoid crowded events, and always social distance from others. During this time, please notify our school nurse, Lauren Dodson, at the number above if your child develops Covid symptoms or tests positive for Covid. It is important that she is able to keep accurate records for tracing purposes. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Kevin Cardille Superintendent - La Crescent - Hokah Public School
about 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
VIRTUAL LEARNING DAYS MEAL ORDER FORM Thank you for participating in school meals during on virtual learning days! If you are interested in receiving school meals for your student(s) for the week of 9/28/20 - 10/2/20, please complete the order form below! You are ordering meals for virtual learning days ONLY. You have the option to order meal packs for pick-up or as take-home meals. All meal packs include both breakfast and lunch. All order forms must be submitted by 8AM on Thursday, September 24th. A new order form will be sent out each week. You will pre-order meals for the following week for the virtual learning days only. A new order form must be filled out each week. Please submit a separate order form for each student. Meal Pack Prices for September: BREAKFAST & LUNCH - FREE! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNLWiqhlUgneZ1_q86oA8RgsPAGGECLqB1aGCMJ8lkWliJKQ/viewform?gxids=7757
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
http://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/pictureDayId/EVTCWPKKP Middle and High School parents - Use the link above to order your pictures! You do have 48 hours after picture day to still order! Group B is going today, and Group A will be going on Tuesday, September 22nd. Virtual STudents may call 507-895-5059 and set up a time for either day!
over 4 years ago, Tarah Sandven
TO: Interested Snow Removal Firms FROM: Independent School District #300 RE: Snow Removal Quotes School District #300 is requesting written quotes on snow removal for the 2020/21 school year. Quotes will be accepted until noon, October 9 th , 2020, at the School District Office, 703 South 11 th , LaCrescent, MN. The following are specifications, by school, to be considered in your quote. *Please note that on occasion the sidewalks and other areas may be done by district personnel . Elementary - Parking Lots and Playground Area Dump Truck – Front End Loader Sidewalks – Bobcat/Pickup - W/ Front Plow Removal by 7:00 A.M. Secondary - Parking Lots and Playground Area Dump Truck – Front End Loader/Grader Plow Sidewalks – Bobcat/Pickup - W/ Front Plow Removal by 7:00 A.M. Separate quotes (by building) and combined quotes (all buildings) will be considered. Thank you. Cc: Kevin Cardille
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
Attention families, here are some further instructions for virtual learning day meals. The survey must be filled out, which will be sent out every week on Monday. The survey will close every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. You have three choices to get meals. Group A 1. Students can pick up three days of meals before they leave on Tuesday. These meals would be for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. 2 Students or parents could pick up meals daily on the High School Dock between 1-2 p.m. 3. Students or parents could pick up their three days of meals all at once. On High School dock between 1-2 p.m. Group B 1. Students can pick up three days of meals before they leave on Friday. These meals would be for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 2. Students or parents could pick up meals daily on the High School Dock between 1-2 p.m. 3. Students or parents could pick up their three days of meals all at once. On High School dock between 1-2 p.m. In a nutshell, students either take them home on the last day they are with us, pick the meal up daily when they aren't with us, or pick up all three meals on one day. For families with students learning virtually every day, you can pick up your meals daily or once for the whole week. Here is the link to complete to place your order: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVY3SSH4wVt8Hr8hDhIfp9c8B35kXQbDo6oh03rqzRMLXLKg/viewform?gxids=7757
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
Lancer Gold Cards are for sale!! $20 per card with great deals at local businesses. Also, check out these Lancer masks on sale for $10 each (adult and youth sizes available). If you are interested in purchasing both, we offer a combo package (1 Mask + 1 Card) for $25. Contact Coach Nicki Johnson via email (nicole.johnson@isd300.k12.mn.us) and/or Coach Ryan Vinzant (ryan.vinzant@isd300.k12.mn.us) if you’re interested in purchasing and/or have questions. Or reach out to one of your favorite volleyball/football players and we’ll get a card and/or mask to you! All proceeds go directly into the two programs to purchase equipment and uniforms. Shout out to Summer at Thorson Graphics for the awesome mask design. Thanks for your support!
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
lancer gold card
Discount Card
ELEMENTARY Lancer Families: We are planning 'in person' learning for the start of the school year (unless you've chosen distance learning). It is important for you to know that we may be required to switch to an A/B hybrid schedule if covid cases rise in our community or school. There is also the possibility of going to full distance learning during the school year. We are prepared for any of these three scenarios at school, and we want you to be ready as well. Our three plans are posted on the ISD300 website for you. Please click on the below link and watch the video with your student(s) https://5il.co/kqol
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Elementary
We hope to see you tomorrow to tour the renovated and new construction at our facilities! Tours will be from 4 pm to 7 pm. Report to the auditorium at the Secondary School for a tour of that facility and the main lobby at the Elementary School to tour that facility.
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
open house
VIRTUAL LEARNING DAYS MEAL ORDER FORM Thank you for participating in school meals during on virtual learning days! HAVE YOU HEARD?! AS OF SEPTEMBER 1ST, SCHOOL MEALS ARE FREE TO ALL STUDENTS 18 & UNDER!! We are requesting that you pre-order school meals packs (which include both breakfast & lunch) for the virtual learning days ONLY. You have the option of either meal pick-up or take-home meals! If you are interested in receiving Meal Packs for the virtual learning days next week (9/14/2020 - 9/18/2020), please complete the following order form by 8AM Thursday, September 10th. Please use the following link to order: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvwturQ5h5ozM7_0YYrqBI9_Ouv5DDFJl29SsFa1qCaky4_g/viewform Order forms will be sent out each week. You will pre-order meals for the following week for the virtual learning days only. A new order form must be filled out each week. Meal Pack Prices for September: BREAKFAST & LUNCH - FREE!
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
Good Morning Lancers! Please see below for information that went out in our MS/HS back to school letter this year! As we all know, you are eagerly awaiting which group(or days) you get to see us; however, those placements were not in our back to school letter! We will be letting you know that information as soon as possible! Until then, we will see you September 14th, whether that be face to face or virtual! Principal's Back to School Letter - https://5il.co/kgst Chromebook Information - https://5il.co/kgss HS Yearbook Order Form - https://5il.co/kgsr MS Yearbook Order Form - https://5il.co/kgsq Picture Forms to order online -https://5il.co/kgsp Organization Club Information - https://5il.co/kgso
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Secondary
Secondary Entrance
Open this link to get the information regarding the new procedures for soccer game attendance this fall. The first game of the season will be boys soccer vs PEM tonight at Seaton Field starting at 7:00 p.m. https://5il.co/kgot
over 4 years ago, Janet Redman
Soccer Ball
Elementary & Secondary School Tours September 10, 2020 4:00pm - 7:00pm Join us for facility tours to view the progress of the newly constructed and renovated school buildings! Tours will depart every 30 minutes in small groups. Masks will be required.
over 4 years ago, La Crescent-Hokah Public Schools
open house flyer