Last year, the 8th grade team worked on building relationships with our 4th grade students at the elementary school. Students participated in many team building exercises and activities focused on The Lancer Way to help the 4th graders have a smoother transition into middle school. This past Friday, the 5th and 9th graders were able to meet up again and check in about the first week of school. They discussed the differences and challenges between the two buildings and shared what they have enjoyed. Some answers included seeing their friends, getting to know the new teachers and definitely lunch! The morning culminated in a game of Ship to Shore in which students had to work together to represent different actions which made for lots of laughs and silliness. Our 9th graders served as such great role models for our 5th graders and we are looking forward to fostering these friendships throughout the year.

5th & 9th Grade Buddies
September 10, 2024